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Force Metal Fest 2013 en la Ciudad de México

Force Metal Fest 2013 en la Ciudad de México

Force Metal Fest 2013 en la Ciudad de México

Prominent percussion riffs and runs almost perfect from the different bands that make this festival poster, send music fans heavy Mexican metalhead a complete trance that will surely endure for long.Led by the legendary British heavy metal band, Motorhead, Anthrax, Testament and others, arrive at the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City this Friday May 17.

After nearly 10 years of being stepped on Aztec soil, considered one of the pioneering bands of the genre of Metal, Motorhead returns for the second time in our country, serving as head of the impressive lineup of Force Metal Fest . shall be accompanied by two of the bands most revered by fans of "heavy music" around the world: Anthrax and Testament . Both bands are part of the wave ofTrash California bay of the 80 `s with Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax at the top form the legendary group of the big 4.

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